Physical modeling
The essential feature of CADWIND is the physical modeling of the winding process. This unique simulation concept, proven since more than 25 years, is much more powerful then the usual analytical geometrical formulas.
Friction modeling
CADWIND's simulation concept includes the modeling of the friction between the fiber and the mandrel. This friction allows it to deviate from the geodesic path (i.e. the shortest distance between two points on a curved surface) and thus gives much wider range of design and production possibilities.
The friction modeling allows to vary the winding angle. In the middle section we have a higher angle. This results in a thicker laminate. You can see that by using the color scale. (click picture to enlarge)
Axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric geometries
The simulation concept allows CADWIND to calculate the fiber lay-up for any part geometry: for simple axisymmetric geometries like tubes to complex non-axisymmetric geometries like elbows and T fittings.

typical axisymmetric (pressure vessel) and non-axisymmetric (pipe elbow) part geometry (click picture to enlarge)
Any machine or robot
CADWIND generates the part program for any type of machine and controller. No matter if a simple 2 axes machine or a complex 6 axes winder, a specialized T-winder or a robot, CADWIND's part programs run on every possible machine.
Real-time machine simulation
CADWIND fully visualize the winding process. It shows you a real-time animation of the moving machine actually winding the fibers. This gives you a much better impression of what to expect when the winding program is taken to the machine. You can see the machine movements and their dynamics, if the winding program runs smoothly, if the range of an axis is exceeded, or the pay-out eye is colliding with the mandrel.

The machine simulation shows the different machine axes, the workshop floor and displays numerically the positions of of the machine. (click picture to enlarge)
Optimal machine dynamics
CADWIND gives full control over the dynamics of the machine movement. This allows the optimization of the control data according to different aspects like reducing production time, winding with constant mandrel speed or constant pay-out speed.
You can analyze the machine dynamics with the displacement-time, speed-time and acceleration-time diagrams of the machine movement. (click picture to enlarge)
Design and analysis
For the prediction and analysis of the mechanical properties of the filament wound parts CADWIND fully integrates with any finite element analysis (FEA) program. The FEA interface allows to export all the necessary data (part geometry, laminate structure, stacking sequence, fiber orientation, thickness, not for Ts) from all points of the part to any FEA program. CADWIND's DESIGN PACK also includes the COMPOSITE STAR laminate analysis software.
Variation of the winding angle
The friction modeling allows the winding angle to be varied in different regions of the part. A good example for the use of this feature is masts for sailboards. With the different winding angles the rigidity can be varied along the mast.
Layer linking
CADWIND can link different layers (e.g. a pressure vessel with a low angle helical winding and a circumferential winding) so that the part can be wound without stopping the machine. The production time will be reduced considerably.
The machine simulation as well as the flexibility of CADWIND allows the system to adapt to a high degree of automation. For example special commands for the automated attachment and cutting of the fibers can easily integrated in the part program. MATERIAL works closely with all machine manufactures to improve integration and automation. The special needs of the end-user are always take into consideration and, if technically possible, included in the software.
User interface
CADWIND's has many features to give the user more information about the winding process. There is the color scale, which indicates the winding angle, the laminate thickness and the geodesic behavior at any point of the winding by coloring the laminate. Another handy tool is the graphical display of the displacement-time, speed-time and acceleration-time diagrams of the machine movement. An important objective has not been forgotten: to keep things simple. CADWIND has always been known as having a simple and stable user interface.
System requirements
CADWIND runs on any computer with Windows NT, 2000, XP, VISTA or Windows 7.