
Product Detail
Welding - Virfac Welding

Welding - Virfac Welding

Product Detail


Virfac Welding Designer

This module is based on the fully transient thermo-mechanical-metallurgical simulation of the welding process, which allows to accurately predict the distortions, residual stresses and metallurgical transformations. Precise results can be obtained within an industrial time-frame thanks to Massively Parallel solver capabilities of Virfac solver. This type of analysis is particulary suited for post-welding damage tolerance analysis.

Virfac Welding Scheduler

This module is based on the inherent strain method, or the so-called Local-Global method, using solid elements. The major advantage of this method is its extremely small computational time. The use of Virfac® Welding Scheduler enables the optimization of the welding process by modifying the welding sequence e.g., in order to improve the process without having to perform expensive experimental work.

Virfac Welding MEGA powered by JWELD

This module is especially suited for distortions prediction of very large panels with thin sheets and stiffeners. It uses the JWELD solver from JSOL, a non-linear finite element solver dedicated to shell finite element calculations. Virfac® Welding MEGA interfaces a powerful Inherent Strains database which stores weld models based on experimental or detailed computational data. Virfac® Welding MEGA provides a very quick welding modelling prediction tool capable of treating a very large number of welds for sequence optimization.

Virfac Heat Treatment & Carburizing

This module is dedicated to heat treatment modelling, which allows the user to easily model heating, cooling, annealing and quenching of complex parts. The use of Virfac® Heat Treatment enables the precise calculation of residual distortions and stresses, and the microstructure transformations. In addition, it provides a fast computation modelling methodology for carburizing, the results of which can be used to compute the influence of the solute on the plastic strains due to the metallurgical transformations.

Virfac Metallurgy

Virfac now provides a full metallurgical modelling framework in the material manager. Two levels of metallurgical coupling are available: weak coupling which considers bulk properties of the material to remain unchanged, with phase transformations, and strong coupling where the material properties evolve with changes in the phase fractions. Material properties may also be defined depending on the concentration of solute elements. Metallurgy can now be used in Virfac® Welding Designer and Virfac® Heat Treatment analyses.

Virfac Machining

Virfac® Machining DIRECT provides the user with a fast methodology to compute the relaxation of internal residual stresses due to the removal of material by machining. This module is particularly suited for components belonging to aerospatial structures.

Virfac FSW

Virfac® Welding is based on both a thermo-fluid and a thermo-mechanical formulation. The former is used to model the Friction Stir Welding and the effect of materials stirring on the temperature increase and energy generation. The multiphysics and multiscale coupling with the thermo-mechanical analysis leads to accurate and predictive results in terms of residual distortions, residual stresses and microstructure after FSW on large industrial components. It can be coupled to Virfac® Welding Scheduler.

Virfac Multi-Process Workflow

Virfac® is capable of combining several processes and manage in an easy and transparent way the exchange the exchange of data between each analysis. Transferring residual distortions and stresses between several processes has never been easier.



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